Tuesday 13 March 2012

photo-graph blog

I have been greatly inspired by Keith Greenough's blog, which I discovered via the OCA blog. He is a level 3 student, so obviously much more advanced than me, so it's great to see where OCA students get to beyond the level 1 and 2 courses, and how much more self-directed the study is at that level. I have had a good read of his blog (some notes below) and am continuing to follow his studies and projects with interest. I like the way he displays his work in different styles, sometimes just one image, framed in white with text below, other times a small collage of images, and recently, a slideshow of fabulous B&W images taken in Museums in the London area.

I also like the setup of his blog (I think it is through Wordpress), which has snippets of his recent posts on the left, with recent images on the right. He seems to post fairly regularly and this keeps the blog interesting and relevant. What I don't like about his blog (and others I have seen) is the ads underneath the bottom of the post. Not for me thankyou...

He obviously has a number of projects on the go at once, using a couple of formats of cameras (he experiments with film and digital) and doesn't always appear to have a plan as to how he will attack a project, sometimes just 'seeing what happens'. I like this spontaneity, but I also like that other projects he works on are obviously large, long term and require a lot of planning. There is a lot of depth in his photographic work.


Greenough, K (2012) Keith Greenough Blog. Online, available at: http://photo-graph.org/ [accessed 13 March 2012]
Various authors (2012) OCA Blog. Online, available at: http://www.weareoca.com/ [accessed 13 March 2012]

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