Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Assignment 3: The final eight

I have got my prints back and selected the best eight images from them, however I think out of these there are two weaker images (shown top right below) and these will probably be removed from the set before sending them to my tutor. They are displayed below (sorry for the poor quality), laid out on a whiteboard.

I am slightly concerned about using one portrait image and 5 landscape images. This was partly why I included the second portrait orientation image in the set. I am unsure if it is wise to have only one photograph of different orientation in the set. Unfortunately, I really like this image and think it is quite strong and provides good context to the set. I will need to think about whether to include it in the final set or remove it.

After getting the photos back from the printer I realized a couple were too dark and needed lightening. Those with Peta in them (white t-shirt) needed to be held back on the white t-shirt and the rest of the image lightened. This has improved the image as a whole. The photo of the man watering also looked too dark and when I looked at the histogram I realized the whole image had been pulled back too far and needed lightening. This was easily done in Lightroom. I have made some other spot changes to all the images and come up with the final eight, displayed below:

I also had one image printed with a white 5mm border, and I think this worked really well - finishes off the image nicely. If I am not going to mount my images then I shall put the border on. So now I need to decide if I mount my images on white card or not. I think it does present better than just prints, but I'd like to know what others do, so might do some asking around online. I plan to get these final eight printed this week so that I can do any mounting etc over the Christmas break.

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