Thursday, 27 September 2012

Exhibition: 10X100 '10 Australian Photographers'

I recently visited the QCP exhibition 10x100 which focusses on 10 Contemporary Australian Photographers. Each artist was invited to submit 10 of their images for display using a Fuji Finepix X100 camera. The variety of images and ideas and resultant photos was quite impressive.

Particular favourites:

Brad Rimmer - 'dusk' - mixed lighting situations. Calm, eerie and silent scenes with a mystery about them. Combined with simple, somewhat deadpan portraits in beautiful lighting (a certain time of day).

Further research online discovered his work 'SILENCE the west Australian wheat belt' - all in similar beautiful  lighting situations (early morning or late afternoon or evening) - some 'found' objects such as a colourful dead bird or tyre swing (shallow DOF), more portraits of attractive young people staring at the camera sans smile or much expression, outside of wheat silos, all with lovely colour, square frames and slight vignetting at the corners of the images. Long, end of the day shadows. Not sure how the 'pretty' people fit in with the dry images of hard country life...

Brad Rimmer, for personal study purposes

Brad Rimmer, for personal study purposes

Louise Whelan - portrait of 'Lucille' - taken late afternoon with vibrant colours and unusual viewpoint (looking up from below, perhaps at a cheap motel?) - a visually engaging and interesting image.

Narelle Autio - comic and lighthearted images of a very familiar location (Falls Creek - a ski resort I have had family holidays to since I was 6 years old) - great to see a familiar scene with a cheeky twist (in particular her 'windy corner' image!). Research online later (viewing the Stills website) reveals many interesting underwater images which are really striking and vibrant in colour - the water holds the swimmers as if they are dancing or floating. I also like her Murray Cod series for its diversity on a simple subject (a fish!)
Narelle Autio, taken from Stills website for personal study purposes

Narelle Autio, taken from Stills website for personal study purposes

Narelle Autio, taken from Stills website for personal study purposes

Narelle Autio, taken from Stills website for personal study purposes

Marian Drew - quiet (a modern take?) still life scenes, apparently lit by torch using very long exposures. Online, looking at her website, I was most taken with the very long exposure landscapes where she has painted with light circles and lines - they are beautiful and unusual and quite tastefully done.
Marian Drew, for personal study purposes

Rimmer, B (2012), Brad Rimmer. Online, available at: [accessed 27/09/12]

Drew, M (2012), Marian Drew. Online, available at: [accessed 27/09/12]

Autio, N (2012),  Stills Gallery, Narelle Autio. Online, available at: [accessed 27/09/12]

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